Professional Line Striping, Stenciling, and Pavement Marking for Commercial and Industrial Properties

Professional Parking Lot Marking Solutions
Your parking lot is one of the first things customers, vendors, and employees notice about your business, influencing their overall opinion of your operations. A well-maintained, well-lit, and clearly marked parking lot reflects professionalism and ensures safety.
Ask yourself:
- Is your parking lot neat and organized?
- Are markings highly visible and effective?
- Does the space prioritize safety for pedestrians and vehicles?
Pavement marking is a crucial component of parking lot maintenance, ensuring smooth traffic flow and safety by designating:
- Drive lanes and fire lanes
- ADA-accessible spaces
- Crosswalks
- Parking spaces
- Non-parking zones
Highly visible striping and markings improve safety by guiding vehicles and pedestrians, reducing confusion, and highlighting potential hazards like height differences or restricted zones. A well-marked parking lot keeps everyone safe and reinforces the professionalism of your business.
Expertise in Pavement Marking Design: Our Specialty
Efficient Traffic Flow
Customers value parking lots that allow them to enter, park, and exit quickly and safely. Clear, well-placed parking stalls, directional arrows, and handicapped-reserve signs guide travelers efficiently, reducing confusion and enhancing the user experience.
Designated Parking
Before applying pavement markings, consider the need for designated spaces for specific groups, such as disabled persons, customers, employees, or visitors. Properly planned parking design ensures convenience and compliance with regulations.
ADA Compliance
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), enacted in July 1990, mandates that all property owners, regardless of business size, provide the appropriate number of handicapped-accessible parking spaces, including van-accessible stalls. Adhering to ADA guidelines is both a legal requirement and a commitment to accessibility for all visitors.
Maximize Space
Efficient pavement marking design can help property owners maximize parking lot capacity, allowing more vehicles to park while maintaining cost-effectiveness. The right layout ensures optimal use of available space without compromising safety or functionality.
- IStrategically placed signage is essential for maintaining and improving traffic flow in your parking lot.
- I Stop signs should be positioned at exits leading to streets or at heavily used pedestrian crossings within busy parking lots to ensure safety and control traffic flow.
- IPedestrian crossing signs and pavement markings should clearly indicate all crosswalks leading to and from building entrances.
- IYield signs or pavement markings should be placed at the end of parking rows to ensure vehicles yield to priority traffic in drive lanes.
- IPavement markings with words like “Yield,” “Fire Lane,” and “No Parking” should be highly visible, with lettering at least 36 inches tall to ensure clarity and compliance.

Driveway Sealcoating
Garage Floor Coating
Asphalt Maintenance
Commercial Flooring
Corporate Office
11262 Kilmer Rd
Edison, NJ 08872
NJ (732-524-7757
VA (804) 234-3180